Summer 2024: Google ended its email subscription service in 2021. I believe I've found a replacement, but haven't had time to test it. I have been stitching a little bit here and there and have some posts ready for when the email subscription is active again. Fingers crossed, I'll have time to rouse this blog out of its dormancy sometime this year.

01 September 2017

The Berlin Bunny

Embroidery designer Tanja Berlin has a wonderful thread painting kit called Wild Rabbit. I remember when she first started showing photos of the design as a work-in-progress. I asked her many times when it would become available as a kit. Unfortunately, for me, the rabbit was a teaching project so couldn't be released as a kit until the classes had run their course. I waited very impatiently and it felt like decades!

Detail of thread painted rabbit (head) from Tanja Berlin's 'Wild Rabbit'

In 2010, Tanja taught the rabbit at the EGA National Seminar in San Francisco and I was lucky enough to get into the class. In addition to finally having the opportunity to stitch the rabbit I was able to take a class with Tanja and she's a terrific teacher!

Tanja Berlin's Original 'Wild Rabbit'
Wild Rabbit (Tanja Berlin's original)
The rabbit is one of my absolutely favourite embroidery designs ever and definitely one of those projects that I didn't want to end. It's a terrific design, I learned something new, and it was a pure pleasure to stitch.

Everything about the design and kit was well-done. Tanja produces excellent and thorough instructions. If you are looking for a beginning thread painting project Tanja's kits would be a good place to start.

The most interesting part of stitching the rabbit was creating its undercoat and then applying stitched 'fluffies' on top. Fluffies are straight stitches in a lighter colour. The technique creates a nicely realistic look and adds depth to the embroidery. (This was the new thing that I learned.)

Here's the rabbit with his undercoat complete and ready for 'fluffies'.

Undercoat embroidered on thread painted 'Wild Rabbit' designed by Tanja Berlin

I don't know why, but I like his ears best. The colours chosen for the shading are especially nice.

Thread painted ears on embroidered 'Wild Rabbit' designed by Tanja Berlin

The dandelions were not drawn on the fabric. The embroiderer places them where they like. I added a few extras, partly because I thought my bunny seemed a bit overfed. He needed extra food!

Embroidered dandelion detail from thread painted 'Wild Rabbit' designed by Tanja Berlin

My completed 'Berlin Bunny'. 

Completed embroidered thread painted 'Wild Rabbit' designed by Tanja Berlin

I wouldn't mind stitching him again. The only quibble I have with the kit is that the ground fabric is muslin. It's a lovely muslin--Southern Belle, I believe--but I would like to have him stitched on linen. Tanja sells kits that you can transfer yourself so I could re-stitch the bunny, but I like this one so much I can't really see myself embroidering him again.

Now, if I could find him. I have a frame all ready to go, but I can't find the bunny!

I'm sure he'll show up one of these days. He surely can't have gone far.



  1. Buuunnnnnieeeess! I love this little guy. Thanks for the explanation of 'fluffies', too. His fur amazes me. The dandelions and greenery embrace him and make me think of seeing him for just a moment on a slightly foggy morning. Beautiful work, and well done! You need to find this little bunny so we can see him again. -- Sandy

  2. Tanja's designs are so beautiful and this one is no exception! You have done such a lovely job of finishing him off. I certainly hope he turns up soon - definitely frame worthy!
