Summer 2024: Google ended its email subscription service in 2021. I believe I've found a replacement, but haven't had time to test it. I have been stitching a little bit here and there and have some posts ready for when the email subscription is active again. Fingers crossed, I'll have time to rouse this blog out of its dormancy sometime this year.

25 August 2017

Unchallenged Crewel

I have had an intense few weeks working on the SFSNAD Summer of Love challenge piece and am a little burned out embroidery-wise.

I haven't been stitching much recently, but I did complete a couple more motifs on the Elsa Williams Crewel Sampler. It's a fairly relaxing--and definitely not challenging--project to embroider.

Crewel Sampler (by Elsa Williams): Purple flowers and butterfly

18 August 2017

Out of Time

The deadline for submissions to the Summer of Love challenge was Tuesday. I stitched and stitched and stitched, but was unable to finish in time to meet the deadline.

I'm extremely disappointed...and exhausted. I think I stitched for 8 hours on more than one day over the past extended weekend. (I stitched everyday from Friday through Tuesday.) The piece is nearly finished, but not done. I am frustrated, but here are some colourful pictures which make me feel better.

The pink flower is one of four big flowers on the design. The photo's a bit deceptive. This is the largest of the big flowers and took many hours to stitch.

11 August 2017

A Challenging Challenge

The Summer of Love challenge continues. It's not finished. I don't know if it's even close to being finished. I have no sense of how long some of the elements will take to complete. I'm working on the parts I think will be the most time-consuming first, but I keep stitching elements that are taking longer to complete than I expect.

I'm not going to make the deadline for mailing the actual piece, but I still might have a chance to send a photo which can be submitted as late as 15 August (next Tuesday). That gives me 4 more days to stitch. (Yikes!)

Last time I left off with photos of some rather boring-to-stitch daisies. Those daisies are done.

SFSNAD Flower Power Challenge: Daisies with filled centres

04 August 2017

Flower Power Challenge

The San Francisco School of Needlework and Design (SFSNAD or SNAD) is holding a stitch-at-home challenge in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love. I had the opportunity to visit SNAD in the spring and the wonderful administrative assistant Beth did a little arm twisting and talked me into participating.

SFSNAD Flower Power Challenge: The rules

As the challenge is sponsored by DMC each participant was given the choice of a theme accompanied by 3 skeins of DMC that must be included in the piece.

I chose 'Flower Power' and you can see the 3 skeins that I must use in my design in the photo above.