Summer 2024: Google ended its email subscription service in 2021. I believe I've found a replacement, but haven't had time to test it. I have been stitching a little bit here and there and have some posts ready for when the email subscription is active again. Fingers crossed, I'll have time to rouse this blog out of its dormancy sometime this year.

21 April 2017

Rosebuds and Whiteout

I was happily stitching along on the rosebud part of Trish Burr's Iceberg Rosebud, minding my own business, when things kind of took a wrong turn.

The glow from the bud bottom was all wrong. There was too much of the lighter colours.

Embroidered rosebud in progress (needlepainting design by Trish Burr)

I was not happy.

I had two choices. I could either rip out the stitching (noooooooo!) or stitch over the top and see if I could extend the darker shades down into the lighter area.

I opted for the second because I really don't like ripping out stitching and thread painting is incredibly forgiving. You can easily stitch over the top in certain circumstances.

However, this turned out not to be one of those circumstances. Actually, the stitching went fine, but I still didn't get rid of enough of the lighter colour at the base of the bud.

I was left with the first option and it was time to rip out the stitching. Only now, I had to rip out two layers of thread painting which was quite unpleasant, but I survived and I didn't do any damage to the surrounding stitching. Phew!

Preparing to re-embroider the Trish Burr needlepainted rosebud

The next 'problem' was that I wanted to make sure I restricted the lightest 4 colours to the bottom third of the bud. (The bud is composed of 7 shades in total.) I drew a line at about the 1/3 point, but I was left with all the old guidelines which I didn't want. I needed whiteout!

So.....I pulled out a white gel pen and went to work. Hey, it's acid free! What could possibly go wrong?

Using a gel pen to mask the previous guidelines on an thread painted (embroidered) rosebud (design by Trish Burr)

It worked surprisingly well and didn't even gum up the fabric. (The little pinholes in the photo were a test to see if the fabric was still open enough to be stitched.) I was easily able to stitch through the 'whiteout'. I'm not sure I'd recommend doing this, but it did kind of work and I liked not having to deal with all those old extraneous lines.

Results from re-embroidering a thread painted rosebud petal (design by Trish Burr)

I am much happier with the new stitching and no one will ever know that there is 'whiteout' beneath those stitches.

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